Donald Trump in the echo chamber


Why Bouncing to Donald Trump’s any scandal? What makes his party and his supporters to be so amenable? Responses from experts in political science and psychology.

What it is this Time exactly, it really doesn’t matter. Donald Trump is doing something or not doing something, and the world holds its breath. “How can he? Now the bow is spanned, but finally, now, the long overdue impeachment proceedings must be brought in motion” – almost everyday exclamations, since Trump has begun in January, his office. And nothing happened each Time…!

The reports, Trump asked the now ousted FBI chief, James Comey, investigations against the former security adviser to Michael Flynn set, will probably remain a footnote. The accusation that the President had interfered in the independence of the judiciary, sounds serious. However, an Impeachment, an impeachment procedure is also, as many Trump-opponent (especially abroad).

Parliamentary elections as a threat

As long as the majority of the deputies and senators of the Republican party is behind him, he fear bad press, and malice, but no Impeachment, believes the political scientist and the United States-expert Thomas hunter of the University of Cologne, in an Interview with Deutsche Welle: “In one and a half years, is re-elected (the whole of the regional representatives the house and a third of senators) and the President of Trump is considered to be in the Republican electorate continues to be very good. No member wants that, he gets a counter-candidate from the Trump warehouse in his constituency. As President Trump is amazingly good to collect in the donations and has adequate funds, is for many a real danger. Trump has made that threat already open. Therefore, they are not now against the President.”

President Trump: in his own party not unchallenged

Crister S. Garrett Professor for American studies at the University of Leipzig, sees at least a slight protest from the Republicans: “Trump is quite challenged, more and more members of his party to distance themselves from the President.” Nevertheless, as Garrett in an Interview with Deutsche Welle, had influenced many of the Republicans by the prospect of Power. With Trump, you could enforce a health insurance reform, tax reform, and the deregulation of the economy, even if you have in questions of detail other ideas as he.

A credible representative of the shift to the right as the Republicans

Thomas hunter holds a Trump for a “credible representative” of the shift to the right in the case of the Republicans: “He is driving the Opposition against the ‘betrayal of the United States’ on the top. The speech at his inauguration was programmatically and is not obsolete, even if the structures of the political order, the ‘checks and balances’, to capture. By this contradiction, his presidency will remain marked. And the Republican party holds, in part, by looking.”

Political scientist Thomas hunter of the University of Cologne

A President who acts like a “Teflon-Trump”, to bounce off all of the allegations – not, so hunters would be without the great support of his voters: “A majority of the American population sees the political System very, very critical. Only a fifth of the work of the Congress was satisfied, almost 80 percent see it as more of an Augean stable that is part of what’s next. It’s what you expect from a President Trump, that is why they chose him. The same is true for the American media, the New York Times and Washington Post, to enjoy in Europe, are very high Reputation, in the United States but by a majority as a unilateral Declaration sheets will be considered.”

Criticism of President Trump or encourage many of its voters outright, in their opinion, that he’s right, hunter. He also hold a lightning storm, with his Twitter that the media reports constantly, in his political world: “President Trump your own echo-chamber, a world of its own, in the other right is created, than elsewhere. ‘Alternative facts’ brings the nice and to the point. This is nonsense, but ‘reality’.”

Affect controlled, aggressive, self-centered – his constituents love it

It also Trumps whether it’s behavior, many observers, his followers, in contrast, impressed, said to the psychoanalyst Hans-Jürgen Wirth Deutsche Welle: “you are downright thrilled that Trump is not the role that he adheres to the written and the unwritten laws of politics is in operation. Whether he can ever lead to substantive improvements for his electorate, which he has promised in the election campaign, is not currently in sight. Take him to his voters but not yet bad, because the time was too short. But the fact that his behavior is controlled as a President just as chaotic, affect, aggressive and self-centered, as in the election campaign, the voters of the proof that he keeps his promises.”

That any criticism of Trump bounces, also has to do with trump’s self-perception, says psychoanalyst Hans-Jürgen Wirth: “He has his own Agenda and saying that he himself is the measure of all things. He is above the law, that is to say, he thinks he can make laws and break it if he feels it is right. He is convinced, he will go down as the best, smartest, and especially most successful President of America in history. This exaggerated self-assurance and acts like a tank, all of the criticism bounces off.”

The USA-expert Thomas hunter of the University of Cologne predicts: “We will still Wake up many days with new news about him.”