10 facts on Breastfeeding


On 1. August has begun, the International breastfeeding week. What’s the point? You will be amazed at what a miracle drink the mother’s milk is, and what you can do!

1. How is mother’s milk?

Mother’s milk is formed during the pregnancy. The hormones progesterone and prolactin, the milk glands then about 24 hours after birth. The child itself decides but with the first Suck on the final launch of the milk supply. The hormone prolactin regulates also the nervous system of the mother, and the quantity to be produced.

2. Why do you children so well?

Mother’s milk be almost said to have magical powers. In the first few weeks in the life of the child protects them from intestinal infections, AIDS in digestion and protects the child from flatulence and constipation. Mother’s milk helps the Baby a good defensive forces build and fortify against allergies. In addition, the Sucking stimulates the palate and jaw formation.

3. What is everything in?

The list of ingredients is very long. The most important are minerals, vitamins, fatty and amino acids. Or nucleotides, which provide the basic building blocks for DNA, and carbohydrates that provide energy, growth factors that support the maturation of the intestinal mucosa and the antimicrobial factors, which uses the immune system to identify foreign substances and to neutralize.

4. Phases of milk

Mother’s milk is reinventing itself again and again. On the first Stilltag the milk-producing glands, the so-called colostrum, the rich very nutrient milk. From the fourth day of the transition milk, and only on the tenth day of the milk-producing glands of the Mature mother’s milk. But this is only the scaffolding for a reason. The composition of the milk is constantly changed and depends on the growth of the child.

5. How much milk is produced?

Per day, a woman produces up to a litre of milk. Per “meal” drink a Baby about 200-250 ml. The female breast can be guided quickly to the needs of the child and more milk or less.

6. How long should be breastfed?

To be arguing about – the WHO and the National breastfeeding Commission may recommend that mothers at least up to the sixth month of the child to breast-feed and to feed no earlier than the fourth month of extra food.

7. Cultural Differences

How long a child is breastfed, is from culture to culture in different ways. So breast-feeding women in Bofi, Central Africa, their children often end up with a 53. Month (a good four and a half years). The mother can produce unimaginable 16,000 litres of milk. All cultures, breast-feeding mothers summarized their children an average of 30 months.

8. Mother’s milk

Earlier, the children were satisfied with the “women’s milk”. Since a campaign in the 18th century. Century used the word “mother’s milk”. This campaign, mothers are encouraged to breastfeed their children themselves, instead of giving you into the care of wet-nurses. Children should be fed by their mothers, not from any “women”.

9. Controversial to the Public

A mother who breastfeeds in Public, is not seen, especially in Anglo – Saxon countries – are so fond of. There, images of nursing mothers, which appear in Facebook immediately deleted.

10. Our closest Relatives are breast-feeding similar to

It comes to the care of the offspring, not man and animal so similar. While the person can wean the child at any time from the chest or not even breastfeeding, are animal children, for a long time from their mothers. You can only stay in the mother’s milk, if you can independently gather food. An APE, for example, quenches between five and seven years.