T-Mobile will toestelbetaling disconnecting for new subscription


T-Mobile customers with a new subscription, choose whether or not they have a smartphone completely immediately want to pay it off, or they that through the monthly settlement. The provider wants a more transparent view of what the toestelkosten, by this loose linking of the abo.

A spokesman of T-Mobile confirms the arrival of the new subscription after Tweakers a tip about this. The subscription is the successor of the current Set Together. “Imagine that you have a few hundred dollars you put aside for a smartphone, then you can directly use the device, in whole or in part, to pay off,” said the spokesman.

In addition, will void the monthly toestelbetaling after the end of the 1-year or 2-year contract. “The toestelkosten are no longer hidden in the monthly fees. So customers fully understand what they are for their device to pay,” said T-Mobile.

The expectation is that the new subscription in the first half of 2015 is introduced. Details about the subscription, such as rates, bundles, and terms and conditions forms the service provider at a later time known.

The supreme court ruled last summer that providers must clearly indicate how expensive a “free” phone with a subscription in reality it is because it is in fact going to be a sale on the instalment plan. A consumer may terminate the agreement in accordance with the High Council to partially or wholly destroy if providers fail the toestelprijs to mention, because the legal rules for the protection of consumers are violated.
