E. ON, emits fossil branch off and then fully on solar and wind power


The German energy giant E. ON has decided to take his gas-, nuclear – and coal-fired power stations to divest and bring in an independent company. E. ON says that the German energy policy is forced to fully to convert to solar and wind energy.

E. ON made its rigorous schedule Monday known. His coal-, gas – and nuclear power plants in Germany, which together have a value of 4.5 billion euro, will be in a new business to be accommodated. This part should be about two year to the fair. E. ON will share in this new company to the subsequent years reduce. The new company would be 20,000 people go to work, around a third of its workforce. Further, the company sells loss-making parts in Spain and Portugal, and considering also his activities in Italy and in the shop window.

The step to conventional technologies for generating energy to divest, according to the largest utility company in Germany required by the Energiewende. This sends the German politics to the accelerated expansion of the production of green energy through windmills and solar energy, partly as a result of the decision to the nuclear power plants to close. Also coal plants are becoming less profitable in Germany and in addition have companies like E. ON last of the still low economic growth in Europe.

With a streamlined and modernized company wants to be E. ON in the coming years fully focus on the development of renewable energy, its distribution network and the complementary services that it can provide to customers. The announced split, according to E. ON provide for a substantial loss this year.
