Researchers cre lwa run with mind-controlled and ge lwa mplanteerde prosthetic arm


Researchers have a ge lwa mplanteerde prosthetic arm developed by the brain can be controlled. A Swedish man is said to be the first person who succeeded in such a ge lwa mplanteerde prosthetic arm to work with the muscles, bones and the nervous system.

The arm of the Swedish man is about ten years ago, amputated, writes Chalmers University. For the project to succeed, the man in the recent times, extensive operations to undergo. His bone is an implant of titanium attached to his nerves and muscles electrodes are placed, which are able to transmit signals from the brain to translate it into arm movements. The artificial arm is therefore in direct connection with the skeleton, leading to increased stability and coupling of nerves and muscles to the system helps provide. The prosthetic arm may, by a kind of system to be confirmed.

There are already similar systems available, but it then goes to remote systems which are often on the skin itself are confirmed, what restrictions it brings. The new system would be more precise and more reliable. The Swedish man since his surgery more physical opportunities, with positive impact on the quality of life.

However, there are still areas for improvement, so the project members, such as the creation of feeling in the prosthesis. The system is currently able to transmit signals from the brain communicating to the prosthetic arm, but it must be in the future also be possible to have the reverse path to that. Such systems would currently be worked on.
