‘Facebook Messenger comes to payments between friends support


Facebook Messenger gains the ability to carry out payments between friends, has an American beveiligingsonderzoeker-cum-iOS developer discovered. From the Messenger app, the user can via a credit card money transfer.

Beveiligingsonderzoeker and iOS developer Andrew Aude discovered the method of using the tool Cycript, that the code of an app can be explored and hidden options can be found. In a video demo that Aude on Instagram posted is to see how a credit card can be added in the app. Then can that credit card be used to with one press of a button.

Facebook has not yet announced the effective betaalfunctionaliteit in Facebook Messenger will be coming, but rumours about it doing the round. In addition, said Facebook ceo Mark Zuckerberg a few months ago that there is a “on term overlap between Facebook Messenger and payments can be”. In addition, drew Facebook recently, the former ceo of PayPal, David Marcus, as the head of the Messenger team.

If the functionality is there, it seems likely that he initially only in the United States is available. It is unknown if in addition to credit cards, other payment options such as PayPal are supported. As a Messenger in betaalapp also in the Netherlands want to succeed, the service will also the in the Netherlands commonly used payment options iDeal need to use.
