Ericsson gives OpenWebRTC is free and comes with iOS browser for webrtc


Ericsson has its own implementation of the webrtc standard, OpenWebRTC is named as open-source released. Also, the company has with Apple its Bowser browser submitted. Bowser is according to Ericsson, the first iOS browser with webrtc support.

With webrtc can in compatible browsers, chat and video without plug-ins to run. Ericsson, under the name of OpenWebRTC an own implementation of the html5 technology. Thursday the company announced OpenWebRTC as open source. Ericsson hopes in the development of webrtc applications can accelerate. OpenWebRTC is among other things based on the open-source mediaframework GStreamer.

In addition to releasing OpenWebRTC has Ericsson to Apple are Bowser browser submitted. To say that this is the first browser on iOS and the webrtc protocol. The company says to wait and see if Apple approves of Bowser, so it can be included in the App Store.

New Bowser; Ericsson brought an early version of Bowser in 2012 in both the App Store and Google Play. The company has attracted, however, to say that experimental browser with a first webrtc-implementation at the beginning of this year. A new Android version is not in the planning.

Webrtc was originally developed by Google. In cooperation with the Web Real-Time Communications Working Group of the W3C is working on an open webstandaard. Among other Chrome and Firefox support the technology, both on the basis of Google’s implementation of the standard. With the advent of OpenWebRTC Ericsson will create more choice for developers. Incidentally, Apple is now also joined the webrtc working group, which makes the chance significantly that future Safari versions for iOS webrtc support.
