“Apple can be billions of euros will be fined because of Irish state aid


Apple may have billions euros of ‘penalty’ of the European Commission for illegal state aid to the company in the quest to minimize the tax to pay. In exchange for the aid would Apple jobs in Ireland cre lwa ren.

That Apple illegal state aid received, it would appear from the result of a European Commission investigation of the case. That Commission would result later this week to present, but the financial newspaper the Financial Times writes, the outcome already know. Apple let the newspaper know the outcome of the research ‘unfortunate’ to find, that the that result more or less seems to confirm.

The manufacturer is since 1980 in Ireland, but was afraid that after a change in the law in 1991, the more should pay tax. The Irish government and Apple spoke after a meeting that there is a transitional period for the company would apply to 2007. The Irish government would Apple then contacted for a new contract. The jobs that companies like Apple bring is a state worth a lot: it decreases unemployment in a region.

As the European Commission, Apple and Ireland are indeed guilty eight, the ‘penalty’, the delinquent tax that the company must pay, according to the Financial Times up to billions of euros. Apple is not the only company that through Ireland trying to minimize the tax to pay: including Facebook and Google are probably for the same reason in Ireland and also to those companies runs a research. The netherlands helps probably companies also pay as little as possible tax: there is a separate study to coffee chain Starbucks.

Establishment of Apple in the Irish city of Cork
