Vodafone let customers change plan after complaints


Vodafone allows customers to change subscription, where they can choose to after reaching their data limit on a low speed to surf the internet. The provider does that, after two editions of the consumer programme Radar on high accounts for Vodafone customers.

Customers with an older subscription have the option at no additional cost, at a low speed by browsing the web, it appears on a page that Vodafone has opened after the broadcast of a consumer programme Radar Monday night. The date of expiration of subscription will not change and the fee remains in accordance with the provider ‘approximately equal’. According to Vodafone it is a temporary option. It is not known when the option expires.

About two thousand customers were with Radar their to complain about high bills from the provider. That is partly due to a system error in Vodafone, making text messages with alerts about data usage to be late or not arrive.

It is unknown how many people have a subscription that is not from the Red – or Smart-line. Some people with an old subscription with unlimited internet access were given in april a new plan with unlimited data, because a new computer system the old subscriptions would not support.
