Users complain about iPhone 6 Plus bend in pocket


Users of especially the iPhone 6 Plus complain about the fact that the phone bends in pockets. The cause seems to be the size of the phone in combination with the thin, metal casing. If the phone is bent, it will not return to its original shape.

That is in contrast to large phones of Samsung, for example, which is also bendable, but thanks to their casing of plastic to draw back in their original form, as is seen in a video of video site Unbox Therapy. The iPhone bend, but continues its bent shape is partly retained.

On various forums are photos have surfaced from users who say the iPhone 6 Plus in their pocket to have kept, where he castle’. That happened for example when she sat down. The iPhones seem to be in spite of their bent form or to continue to function.

A Reddit user notes that the problem is not restricted to iPhones: iPod touch, with a same thin metal construction showed after some time also inflections: he claimed without success warranty with Apple.

It is unknown how often the problem occurs in the new iPhones. That bending is possible is obvious by the combination of the small thickness and the almost entirely aluminum body. Aluminium is easy to form. Thin phones have been around as long as they exist such problems. Users of the Samsung X820 from 2007, slightly thinner than the iPhone 6 Plus, complained at the time about broken devices under the same circumstances. Also with the release of the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 5s have appeared messages about bent devices, such as in the Cult of Mac.
