Google is developing its own chips for kwantumcomputing


Google has a group of scientists from the University of California lwa to its Quantum Artificial Intelligence team added to itself processors for kwantumcomputing to develop. Google experimented up to now with a quantum computer from D-Wave.

The processors where the team of the University of California in Santa Barbara to work, are based on superconducting electronics. The scientists came at the beginning of this year still in the news with the development of an array of five superconducting qubits. “With the integration of a hardware group the Quantum AI team, we are now in new designs for kwantumoptimalisatie that are based on the latest theoretical insights to test,” writes the research department of Google.

In addition, the company continues to experiment with the ‘Vesuvius’machine on the basis of the architecture of D-Wave. This quantum computer does Google share with NASA; the system will, according to Google a upgrade with the ‘Washington’processor of 1000 qubits. Still, it is controversial the extent to which the systems of D-Wave quantum computer to be consider.

Google is interested in the development of a quantum computer because this thanks to the parallel computing large speedups in the area of search can bring, while also for encryption and decryption to convert. The development of a fully working quantum computer, however, can take years.
