Norway is considering a full transition to electronic money


Norway is possibly the first country in the world where paying with cash is fully eliminated. An organization of 200 banks and other financial lwa le settings that need to be spoken.

The Scandinavian country would be what the betaalorganisatie Finans Norge is concerned, in 2020 to fully on electronic payments, writes Elsevier. According to the organization, cost to pay with cash money the society is relatively high, while there is less use is made of it: only five percent of the payments would still cash to be fulfilled. Only in Sweden and the United Kingdom for consumers to use even less often, cash, sets Finans Norge.

Apart from the costs of the abolition of cash problems such as bank robberies, money laundering and other crime, the head, the organisation. Critics doubt that: also with only electronic money will theft continue to exist, so says a liberal politician. Also, there are concerns about privacy when every payment is recorded.
