Google calls on the help of volunteers to Translate


Google Translate Community, which the user hopes to motivate them to contribute to translations for the Translate service. Also it will be easier to direct from Translate, a better translation.

With the Translate Community, users get tools to help Google with translations for the languages they speak fluently. Those who register can choose which languages he or she wants to contribute. The user can then help with the translation of words or phrases, the translation quality rate and help to make a choice between different alternative translations for a word or phrase. With communityinput hopes Google the quality and extent of its translation service to be able to improve.

Interested users via a special web page for the Translate Community to start translating. It is currently only possible to create new translations and to indicate whether existing translations are good or bad. Google proposes on the term the Translate Community to want to expand with new opportunities. Then volunteers should also understand what their contribution to the translation service.

For those who have no time or inclination to contribute to the Translate Community, Google has made it easier for by the use of the Translate service is a better translation. So recently it has been possible to make a completely new translation to a word or phrase, according to Google.
