China opens mededingingsonderzoek to Microsoft


The Chinese government is a monopoly investigation into Microsoft. The Chinese government wants to know how Microsoft Office and Windows together. Monday it was announced that China at Microsoft was invaded.

The research focuses on the question of whether Microsoft the Chinese competition rules violations, writes Mashable. The news comes a day after it was announced that the Chinese government was invaded in four offices of the U.s. software giant. Now seems to be in those raids documents and internal communications for the research collected.

Details about the survey are missing for the time being, except that it would focus on the link between Windows and Office. Was Microsoft in the United States and Europe under fire as the competition rules would be violated with the bundling of Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player with Windows. That resulted in the advent of the browser choice screen, and a version of Windows without Windows Media Player.

Last week completed the Chinese government a mededingingsonderzoek to another American company. China ruled that chipgigant Qualcomm a monopoly on the chipmarkt possession. The company would be too much money to ask for licenses.
