Apple claims that half a million Europeans their jobs due to App Store


Apple claims that nearly 500,000 people in Europe have their jobs thanks to the App Store. That says the company is on a page about the influence of the App Store on European countries. In the Netherlands there are more than 18,000 registered developers.

In total, European developers almost five billion euros of revenue brought in via the App Store, claims Apple. How many jobs the App Store has delivered in the Netherlands, says the manufacturer. However, mentions that there 18.300 registered developers for iOS in the Netherlands. In Europe there are 280.000.

Apple bases its estimates of the total number of jobs in a July report published, but where that exact number of 497.000 comes from, is unknown. In total, it would go to 794.000 jobs in Europe by the rise of apps, of which 60 per cent jobs for developers.

The rise of apps and developers brings indeed a lot of jobs, but not all developers can live of the income from downloadwinkels as the App Store. Many of the developers to create apps that will eventually hardly be downloaded.
