PayPal freezes funds secure mail service ProtonMail – update


PayPal has the funds on the account of the secured mail service ProtonMail are frozen. The Us payment service would doubt whether ProtonMail is legal and if it is about the competence to emails to encrypt.

The developers say shocked that they no longer have their PayPal funds, earlier this year promised PayPal his policy towards crowdfunding projects have yet to relax. The payment service froze recently also all of the assets of the crowdfundingprojecten GlassUp and Diaspora.

Through the IndieGogo campaign of ProtonMail, the company had within two weeks nearly $ 300,000 collected. It is unknown how much of that amount was paid via PayPal. The developers have the option to help support the project via PayPal now disabled.

ProtonMail is according to its developers a free mail service that mails by default encrypts using secure implementations of aes, rsa and openpgp. Current versions of encryption software are according to the developers too expensive and not user-friendly; their project would change that. Mails before they go to the central server to be sent already encrypted. In addition, the service also has options to be sent emails yet to pick back up and emails an expiration date. When ProtonMail is available, is not clear.

Update 2 July 9.25 am: According to an update on the blog of the project, the developers, meanwhile, back at the funds from their PayPal account.
