Instagram is going to ads in more countries


The social fotonetwerk Instagram later this year also show ads to users from Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia lwa. The app, owned by Facebook, started in november 2013 with the showing of ads for American users.

Instagram has worked in the past time together with a limited number of brands to serve ads to develop that captivating and natural feel in the feed of users. The display of these ads is by means of featured photos of companies. American users could be the last time, give feedback on ads that they were able to see.

Instagram calls the collaboration with its users successful. The results of the advertising could in some cases even much better than the average in the advertising industry. As with the original introduction of ads going Instagram careful to introduce it in the UK, Canada and Australia. The reason for this would be that the business users don’t want to be scared by showing ads. In the future, the social fotonetwerk its advertising platform to even more countries.

Facebook bought Instagram in early 2012 for a sum reportedly around the $ 1 billion of lag. The company can Instagram as an important source of income to use, as the popularity of Facebook among teens is falling. While the popularity of Instagram among teenagers understand increases.
