“Google comes in with Android’s location service Nearby that microphone can activate’


Google is reportedly on a new positioning service for Android that are Nearby hot. With the service, would Google on specific moments of the microphone, wi-fi, bluetooth, and similar features of a phone to be able to activate without any user intervention.

AndroidPolice got the first information about the plans in hands. It states among other things that Nearby is intended “to people, places, and things near to connect, share and do more’. Nearby makes, according to the information of location and location history.

It is not entirely sure how Nearby works exactly, because more details are lacking. Potentially, the positioning service to be used for a so-called audio-login. This produces the smartphone a unique sound to an almost inaudible frequency, after which the microphone of the pc of the user that sound is received and the identity of the owner in the process. The technique to do this, bought by Google in February with the Israeli SlickLogin.

From screenshots that AndroidPolice has posted, shows that for Nearby the user in advance Google services like Google+ should allow it to collect the data and share. In addition, the user would be able to monitor and determine for which people in the environment the device is discoverable. This suggests that also other functions can be adjusted separately. Allows Google on the ontwikkelaarsbijeenkomst I/O at the end of this month, more is known about Nearby.
