Canadian bill hackbevoegdheid police harvest criticism


The Canadian privacy watch dog has criticism of the bill from the conservative government that cyber bullying would have to go. In the proposal to get the police and customs authorities far-reaching powers, including the hacking of phones and computers.

With the new powers would law enforcement people can track, for example, by secretly spyware on a smartphone. This would require the police to be a commercial software package to purchase, something the German police, for instance, has to do with the so-called Bundestrojaner. Through a phishingmail would suspect this install. Also, there may be data captured with such software.

According to the drafters of the act, the powers, yet subject to the permission of a judge is required, which is necessary for addressing cyber bullying, child pornography and other criminal activities. The privacy watch dog and civil liberty organisations point however, that there are considerable risks of abuse stick to the law, partly because such heavy resources to be quickly deployed.

The bill is also an article included in which companies volunteered information from citizens provide to government agencies or the police to be safeguarded from any possibility of prosecution. This immuniteitsregel is also fiercely criticized.

The Canadian privacy watch dog has to the government asked for the current bill into two parts to split, with the new opsporingsbevoegdheden more extensively treated and should be examined by the politics. A second, non-controversial part would already be approved by the parliament.
