Bandai Namco takes distribution crowdfundinggame Project Cars on


Bandai Namco has announced that the worldwide distribution of the racing game Project Cars will account for. The publisher has entered into an agreement with developer Slightly Mad studios, behind the crowdfundinggame.

Project Cars should be in november will appear for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, pc, Steam OS and Nintendo Wii U. The game’s development is being financed by the developer itself and by means of crowdfunding, Slightly Mad Studios, the game itself. At this moment the game is in a closed testing phase, any versions for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 is still nothing known.

Developer Slightly Mad Studios, which previously Need for Speed: Shift and Shift 2: Unleashed deliver, wants to be with Project Cars a new standard for racing games drop. Project Cars running on a new version of the engine that is also for the Need for Speed games was used; in addition to improvements on the graphical level, also the whole physics model of the cars will be rewritten . The game must compete with well-known racing games such as Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport, and with serious racesims.
