Researchers make lead-free perovskiet-solar cells


Researchers have made an important step reported in the even greener to make solar cells. They have the lead compounds of a new type of solar cell is replaced by tin, which is more environmentally friendly.

The current generation of commercially available solar panels make use of silicon to sunlight in order to convert it to electrical energy. Researchers are working on methods for the efficiency of solar panels increase and is therefore not only working with amorphous and crystalline silicon, but are also new materials developed for solar cells can be used. A promising development is the use of so-called perovskieten. That certain crystalline materials which are silicon in the long term could replace.

The current perovskieten, which, incidentally, is still in the laboratoriumfase condition, however, the use of lead compounds to absorb light. Researchers from the American Northwestern University have that loodperovskiet in their solar cells successfully replaced by tinperovskiet, which is more environmentally friendly. Furthermore, the connections by means of simple chemical processes could be produced, what the cost would press.

For now, the solar cell provided by the researchers on the basis of the new tinperovskiet produced a return of only six percent achieved. Loodperovskieten pick up in the meantime, in the laboratory, a yield of 15 to 16 percent. Tin-variants would return, however, can match, say the chemists. However, it will still take years for tinperovskiet solar cells siliciumzonnecellen in panels on roofs can be replaced.
