Humble Bundle are going to experiment with daily bundles


The next two weeks appears every day a new Humble Bundle. Until now, there appeared every two weeks a new offer. The first of the series of daily bundles contains, among other Saints Row: The Third and Risen 2.

The experiment of Humble Bundle takes tentatively for fourteen days, which means that the next two weeks every day a new bundle appears online. That appears every day around eight in the evening Dutch time on the site of Humble Bundle. As a visitor to pay more than the average amount, he will get some extra’s. At the first daily bundle is the complete dlc pack of Saints Row: The Third, and the game of the year edition of Dead Island.

In a Humble Bundle, users can choose how much they want to pay for the game pack, and how the amount they pay is distributed. Here they can choose between the publisher of the games, charities, and the site of Humble Bundle.
