Google put the form online to have search results removed


Google has a form online, which Europeans the search giant can ask for search results to remove. Thus, users can onwelgevallige search results disappear from the search engine.

For the request, users must fill out which search result the way and why that way. Google will ask them also for a copy of identity document, such as passport or id-card, to send along, appears from the form.

The form is a result of a ruling of the European Court, that a few weeks ago ruled that search engines to remove search results. This tells the Court that the point is that the search results, right of privacy violation and Europeans so it must have a right ‘to be forgotten’. The case concerned a Spaniard, whose house years ago auctioned because of debt; that results continued to come up.

The Court has taken into account that the search engines information of multiple sites of pooling the results. “The information has potentially covers many aspects of private life without the search engine does not or only very difficult with each other in connection can be brought”, is in the judgment. This would mean that internet users have a detailed profile of the persons to whom it is sought. Of interest on the possible breach is to further the great role of the internet and search engines today, which to large availability of information can provide.

Google is, in spite of the form does not agree with the ruling. “I wanted us to the statement just could be forgotten,” sighed founder Sergey Brin this week at the conference Codecon. Google would last weeks since the ruling, also without the form, thousands of requests have got to search to remove it.
