China suspends cooperation with US to secure internet access on after hacking indictment


China has contributed to a securitywerkgroep shelved. In the initiative worked in China and the U.S. work together on the safety and security of the internet, but China is coming out of the consultation after the accusation of the US that the country’s trade secrets are stolen.

The Chinese ministry of foreign affairs has the suspension of the cooperation announced in a statement that the accusation of the US is stringently condemned. Monday, the US known five Chinese to sue for ‘targeted attacks on the private sector for commercial gain’. The five would this do to state-owned enterprises to the benefit of and is with the finger at a unit of the Chinese army pointed out.

China calls the step an “infringement of international relations that the Sino-Us relations and the mutual trust harm’. Immediately after the announcement of the indictment of the united states, had China been a formal protest with the U.s. ambassador. Also stated a spokesperson of the Chinese Internet Information Office ‘countermeasures’ in prospect as the U.S. his indictment would continue, writes Bloomberg, on the basis of messages of staatpersbureau Xinhua News.

China came also with a tegenbeschuldiging. According to the spokesman, would only already on 18 and 19 march 1,18 million Chinese systems under the control of American servers, and the U.S. would not respond to repeated calls the spying to stop.

The relations between the US and China are already strained and the countries accuse each other for years over and over again of hacking attempts. To take the chill off the air to pick up decided the powers a year ago, more working together, but that initiative now seems to be at an end.
