Cabinet is considering tightening net neutrality


The government is considering to the definition of net neutrality to tighten, which reduces the services under a legal derogation. The consequences of the tightening, which requires a internetconsultatie is opened, are not yet clear.

In the plans of the cabinet is a tightening of an exception to the net neutrality. At this time, is a service that is not if internet access is advertised, not under net neutrality. This exception is more stringent: in the plans of the government may loose services not be priced more than the ‘normal’ internet access. Computerworld came the internetconsultatie on the track.

Probably, the plans have particular consequences for providers who have additional services that are outside of the data bundle. So late Hi customers music from Spotify to stream without the data bundle; the virtual provider Sizz does the same with streams of RTL. Sizz and Hi brands their streams to as a ‘single service’, but that would be in the new situation, not by the bracket.

However, it is also possible that what Xs4all does not. That provider squeezes internet traffic as customers use voip or digital tv from Xs4all, so gave the company recently. Are voip and video-on-demand, not as a ‘separate service’. “It is inaccurately formulated,” ict-lawyer Arnoud Engelfriet. The ministry of Economic Affairs was not accessible for comment.

Engelfriet notes that the proposal is not yet final; interested parties can now give feedback, after which the proposal can still be adjusted. It comes to a policy rule, so the law does not need to be changed.
