Survarium is on april 25. safety n day long in open b lwa ta


Survarium, the spiritual successor to the Stalker games, is going to be a long day in open b lwa ta. The free-to-play mmo-shooter will be out on 25 april for anyone to download and play. Later in the year, there is even a longer lasting open b lwa ta.

Developer Vostok games, which largely consists of former employees of Stalker developer GSC Game World, describe the day as ‘Doors Open Day’. That writes the developer on the official Survarium website. For 24 hours gamers will the game be able to download the Survarium website and him play online. A PvE gamemode is on the way, but for now the game only has PvP. After 24 hours the game back in closed beta.

Vostok is planning to in the future is still a PvE-mode to implement and a longer lasting open beta test to keep. Although Survarium can be seen as a spiritual successor to the Stalker games, is different still. Not only is Survarium, free-to-play, but what the story enters into a different game also. The rights to the Stalker franchise, has the Ukrainian developer is not in the hands. However, the post-apocalyptic setting that is typical was for the Stalker games, is just being present. The final game should be somewhere in the second half of 2014 come true, writes Eurogamer.