Nintendo released the first Game Boy 25 years ago


It’s Monday exactly 25 years ago that Nintendo’s first Game Boy generation in Japan released. In August and september that year, followed, respectively, North America and Europe. The Game Boy proved to be a true sales success and opened the door for equally successful successors.

On 21 april 1989, Nintendo’s sales of the Game Boy. The portable console with a 2.6″screen was recognizable by its four buttons with A, B, start and select. The dimensions amounted to 9.0 at 14,8 3,2 inches and was compact to call. The device ran on a 8-bit Sharp cpu with a clock speed of 4,19 MHz and also had 8kB of ram, but that memory was expandable to 32kB.

At the start of sales in Japan got the Game Boy six titles, including Super Mario Land and Tetris. The Game Boy proved immediately to be a success. In the first two weeks sold Nintendo in Japan alone, its entire stock of 300,000 units. Around 1997, a year before the Game Boy Color with color screens came out, there were 64,4 million copies over the counter gone.

The Game Boy took the initially on the Sega Game Gear, the Atari Lynx and the TurboExpress by NEC, which are all around the same time on the battlefield appeared. Of all the consoles turned out that Nintendo is by far the most popular. The Game Boy was in the years that followed approval of the compact Pocket and, on the Asian market, Light, both about a black-and-witscherm had. Only in 1997 did the first version with a color display, the Color. Later came the Advance, Advance SP and Micro. Of which last there were about 2.4 million sold, that the Game Boy line came to an end.

Today, Nintendo with its DS-line still handheldconsoles, such as the 2DS and the 3DS. Nintendo would also consider the market for mobile gaming different approach. The story goes that the Japanese manufacturer now free trials of games want to release on mobile platforms. In addition blew Nintendo recently still have the old Advance games with new life by they offer for the Wii U.

Source: Wikipedia/JCD1981NL