Google adds sms and instant messaging together in Hangouts


Google has the Hangouts app for Android updated. Now are sms messages and Hangouts in the same conversation with chatcommunicatie, while Google has also tinkered with the display of the contact list.

With the inclusion of sms messages in the conversation list attracts Google’s integration of sms in Hangouts. The revamped Hangouts, that version 2.1 is wearing, is not yet in the Play Store to find. Users get the app in the coming weeks.

The app shows conversations with a person via sms and Hangouts expired now in the same window. Moreover, promises from Google that it is easy to switch between sending an sms or a normal Hangouts message.

Hangouts has in version 2.1 an updated contact list. At the front there are two sections: a section in which persons that are Hangouts to use, and a ‘normal’ contact list with phone number. According to Google, this view easier to use, also for the sending of sms-messages.

Another innovation is the inclusion of a Hangouts widget. This can be a Android user on the homescreen places and gives access to recent Hangouts sessions. Further promises from Google that the app in this release is more stable and that the quality of the video in the webcam sessions is improved.