First dlc for Titanfall will contain three new maps


Via Twitter let the developer Respawn Entertainment know that in may the first dlc for Titanfall will appear. The extension is called Expedition and includes three new maps. The maps contain a story that elaborates on that from the campaign of the game.

At the same time with the tweet in which Respawn dlc announced, gave the studio during gamebeurs Pax East some more details about the expansion free. So had the developer release that the three maps Swampland, Runoff and War Games, are baptized, and that the three a storyline that matches that from the multiplayer campaign of the game.

Swampland is a map in which the remnants of ancient, alien technology. In Runoff are many trees, which can be used for the wall runs that pilots can perform in the game. War Games takes place in the same environment as the simulator from the tutorial of the game. The dlc is called Expedition, will appear in may and $ 10 costs.

During the fair showed Respawn also release that it is working on free updates for the game. Also wants to be in the extra options to add the game. So does the studio on a new game mode, Last Titan Standing, in which two warring teams of only two players exist. In addition, it will Respawn extra Burn Cards to the game to add, especially for Titans. In addition, it will Respawn the matchmaking system to improve, among other things by players hashtags to use when searching for suitable opponents.