Activision announces Skylanders Trap Team


Activision has Skylanders Trap Team announced. The fourth consoletitel from the franchise makes use of a comprehensive Portal of Power called the Traptanium Portal. Various enemies from the game are captured for their own use.

Publisher Activision announced the game in a message to investors. The Traptanium Portal, to which both the playable characters as the new Chrystals be placed, is included. With a Chrystal may be a computer-controlled enemy be captured, as soon as in the game reports. Both the game, the Traptanium Portal and a number of puppets and Chrystals are in a Starter Pack bundled. According to Kotaku, there are more than 40 villains that can be caught to use for yourself and there are more than 50 new Skylanders characters. The dolls that are not in the Starter Pack, there are able to, just like the previous Skylanders games, los bought. In addition to the Skylanders for Trap Team is also empty Chrystals for sale. Just as the puppets are also the Chrystals divided into eight different elements.

Figures from older Skylanders games can just be used in the new game, but vice versa, the new characters won’t be included to the older games. Skylanders Trap Team is on 10 October released in Europe. The game will appear for both the current and the previous generation Wii, Xbox, and PlayStation consoles. There will also be a separate game for the Nintendo 3DS. According to Activision’s Skylanders Trap Team the right to pre-ordering in the US, but when this is in Europe, is not known.