Vodafone makes 4g access standard in more subscriptions -update


Almost all subscribers of the Vodafone offer as of april 7, access to the 4g network of the provider. This enables the provider competitors KPN and T-Mobile, both of which have no abonnnementen without 4g access to sell more.

Users of Vodafone Red plans had default access to 4g, but users of Smart, the new name of Vodafone Bel+SMS+Web, now also have access to the 4g network of the provider. The change only applies to new customers; they get a maximum download speed of 25Mbit/s. Current customers with a BSW subscription will get a speed increase on 3g, 7,2 Mbit/s to 14.4 Mbit/s.

In addition to the 4g access for all subscriptions to change to Vodafone also the conditions for the use of data over the data limit. Now, customers must pay extra, as of april 7, customers can choose from three options: 2 euro per 100MB of extra pay, an extra bundle of applications, for example 1GB for 10 euros, or the speed back to 64kbit/s. In this context, Vodafone the options is approximately equal with the competitors. Customers can choose options in the My Vodafone app and that can per month. It is according to Vodafone the second major update to the Red-subscriptions after the increase of the prices and data limits in January.

Update 14:40: added Information about the speed increase for current customers with a BSW subscription.