Part customers crystal Clear offline after bankruptcy


An unknown number of customers of glasvezelprovider is crystal Clear, has no connection to the internet. “I understood that the creditors of crystal-Clear in Rotterdam have decided to not deliver more,” says the curator of the bankrupt company.

How many customers as a result of bankruptcy exactly offline, is not clear. A customer of the bankrupt provider complains no connection to the internet to have since Wednesday, when the bankruptcy was declared.

“We do our best to help the customer as much as possible to let it show, but that turns out not everyone did it”, says the curator of crystal Clear, Mark Thoënes. “I’ve included that in Rotterdam people offline, because creditors of the company have decided not to deliver.” Probably the provider that the connections of the Clear delivered. Customers in North Brabant there were no problems. Crystal clear, especially in the Randstad and North-Brabant is active.

According to Thoënes is there with various parties worked together to customers. “In Noord-Brabant takes over canal digital probably the customers about,” says the curator. In other areas it is still talked about a comeback. “If it’s good, is the acquisition in Rotterdam today,” said Thoënnes. In addition, only the customers taken over and not the employees. Crystal clear had eleven employees.

Thursday, it was announced that Clear has been declared bankrupt, after the earlier deferment of payment was granted. Customers complained all about the poor quality of the connections crystal Clear. So should the internet connections are slow, would the picture quality of the tv service lta and would there be problems with establishing calls. In addition, there were complaints about the chaotic administration.