Google Maps analyzes traffic to faster routes to recommend


Google has both Android and iOS an update to its Maps navigation service to be released. The update requires the user to navigate through a notification pointing to possible faster routes to, for example, traffic congestion.

The show of faster the following is a result of the acquisition of the Israeli start-up Waze. Via the mobile app, Waze allows users to indicate whether they, for example, in the file, or that a road is closed. Although Google Maps already had one such features is the real-time data from Waze is now better integrated into Googles navigation service and faster route options while navigation is displayed through a notification. At the first integratieronde of Waze into Google Maps in november, when calculating routes all notifications shown of incidents.

The improved Google Maps app for iOS from the App Store to be picked. Users of an Android phone having nothing to do: the new functionality is automatically available in the Android version of Google Maps.