Google invents an e-reader with two screens and high refresh rate


There is a patent application of Google signaled that an e-reader with two screens and a camera is described. The e-reader is designed as a book, in which the camera and the eyes of the user.

The patent was discovered by Patent Bolt. The shown device has two screens, the second screen different types of content can show. In addition, a camera that images the user can create. With face recognition software, the system must then recognize that the eyes of the user are focused.

To recognize to which part of the e-reader the user looks, the e-reader quickly content on the screens to customize. There is an example in which a user after the reading of a book page on the left screen his eyes to the screen to the right moves. That can then display the next page. If the system then detects that the page on the right is read, the screen on the left will be refreshed to the next page to display. This calls Google the ‘flipping configuration’. It should also be possible to put all the content at the same time to refresh.

With the Google-developed technique would be an e-reader can be made that books in a similar way can be read as conventional, physical book. In the patent application is also reported that it is possible to accessories, such as a keyboard and mouse. That indicates that the concept must be more able than digital books to view.

Google has the patent in the fourth quarter of 2011, as requested, according to Patent Bolt. As usual with patentaanvragingen is not clear whether the demonstrated technology is also effectively used in products.