Chinese maanrover shows signs of life after maannacht


China has the communication with his maanrover Yutu managed to recover. The contact was lost during the two-week cold maannacht and the vehicle was lost, but now Yutu again, signs of life shows, will he return to normal function.

“Yutu has come back to life,” said a spokesperson of the Chinese space agency, against the Chinese staatsmedium Xinhua. According to him, the maanrover under abnormal circumstances, in sleep mode, but there is the chance that the vehicle may continue to operate now contact is restored.

Maanrover Yutu – Chinese for ‘rabbit of jade” and named after the pet of a Chinese goddess – landed in december 2013 on the lunar surface, but suffered problems at the start of the maannacht, which will last for fourteen days and where the temperature to -140 degrees Celsius drops. Under the other was the solar panel not good on the instruments folded, making the systems less, against the cold were protected.

Last Monday, the scientists not in the to restore communication so we feared that the rover specified had to be overcome by the cold. Those fears now seem unfounded. Technicians of the Chinese space agency are now investigating what went wrong with the mechanical operation.

The maanrover the soil structure and geological composition of the moon’s surface, analyze, possible to China to give an idea whether there are useful resources available to win. It is the first maanrover of China and the first vehicle since forty years on the lunar surface moving.