Belgian news media: faster action against kopi lwa ran websites


Websites that articles from newspapers and magazines kopi lwa run, faster can be addressed. Want Belgian publishers of magazines and newspapers. Now, it can take years before a site can be addressed.

Three Belgian associations of publishers to argue for faster legal procedures’ for copyright infringements to an end, writes one of the three organisations, the Flemish news Media. Those are some of the major Flemish media companies (including De Persgroep, publisher of Tweakers. “Now it can take years before a site will be addressed,” said a spokeswoman for the Flemish news Media. “In some countries, such as Germany, can that in 48 hours.”

The Belgian newspaper De Morgen writes that the media companies argue that websites that copy immediately by their hosting provider to be shut down, but that is according to the spokeswoman. “It is a pity that The Morning writes that, because we don’t want to. What we advocate, is that providers in the last instance, may be forced to the contact details to hand of the person who infringes,” she says. That the media, pleading for a ‘overschrijftaks’, such as De Morgen writes, is, according to her, is misleading. “We want the websites that messages take over to pay for licenses. That system existed for years.”

According to the Belgian media appears 11 percent of the articles from paper newspapers and 39 percent of the articles on newspaper sites at a different location, without the need of a license is closed. Also, many sites are guilty of the ‘rewriting of articles without the creative input of the herschrijver’; that would be media companies annually between 1 and 10 million euros in costs.