UPC is going to bus shelters equipped with wi-fi


UPC is a five bus shelters in Eindhoven and Hilversum with wi-fi access. It is going to be a pilot with wi-fi access points, where smartphone users content of an advertiser to see before they can browse the internet.

It is an experiment in collaboration with the advertising agency CBS Outdoor. As smartphone users log on to the wi-fi network, and get them to the landing page first advertisement of an advertiser to see, after which they can freely surf the internet. “How the advertising for the advertiser exactly, we don’t know yet,” says spokeswoman Renee Schitzler against Tweakers in answer to the question of whether users movies advertisers get dished up.

For the trial, the five shelters equipped with wi-fi with a connection to the fixed cable network of UPC. The pilot runs in the next three months, and then see if he will be extended. If that happens, the 50 shelters with wi-fi access. The speed of the wi-fi connection is still unknown. It is known to be the first time that abri’s of wi-fi are provided. However, before other parts of public transport, such as trains and buses, with wi-fi equipped.