Spotify stop offering Unlimited subscription of 5 euros per month


Spotify stop offering the Unlimited subscription of five euros per month.
Users of the popular muziekstreamingdienst, according to Spotify now on a Premium subscription of ten euros per month to quit.

Tweaker Gijs Brandsma told Tweakers last week that Spotify, the Unlimited-subscription no longer seemed to offer. Spotify confirms opposite Tweakers Monday that the abonnementsoptie of five euro per month is due for new users; for existing Unlimited subscribers nothing changes.

“We concluded that the vast majority of our paying users a Premium subscription has,” said Spotify in a comment. “We have therefore decided to our offer to simplify and have the Unlimited option for new users will be deleted.” The premium subscription is ten euros per month, twice as expensive, but offers the possibility for self-chosen songs mobile streaming. The free mobile version offers rather the functionality of a radio station: users can, for instance, the songs of a particular artist, to stream, but not himself choose the songs.

Incidentally, it is via a detour at the moment, still possible to have a Unlimited subscription. On the frontpage, the option is no longer offered, but from the account page, a user can still for Unlimited choose. Probably will soon however.

The Unlimited subscription is offered to Spotify users the opportunity to ad-free music listening, in contrast to the free subscription. Until last week, at the free subscription a maximum of ten hours per month will be streamed, but that limit is gone. That would be the only difference between the free version and Unlimited with the paid option, the ads do not tell.