Gonggrijp: stemprinter plan financially unfeasible and unnecessary


Rop Gonggrijp, known from the foundation We do Not Trust voting computers), states that the presented plans for a stemprinter to develop unrealistic and unachievable. Also he argues that there are lwa berhaupt is no need for electronic voting.

Gonggrijp responds to the presentation of a research report which was reviewed, or voice response computer need to be entered. The commission, which consisted of both skeptics and proponents of electronic voting, calling for the reintroduction of electronic voting. This would be a stemprinter should be developed with a paper trail. As the ballot boxes close, all ballots to be electronically counted. It would also controletellingen should take place. The ballots will serve in this as physical evidence.

In a time frame that the commission outlines such systems around 2018 or 2019 can be entered. but Gonggrijp late Tweakers know that this is in his eyes totally unrealistic, is: “Just for the development of the equipment and software is only six to nine months extended. That is completely unrealistic.” Also believes Gonggrijp that the estimated costs for the reintroduction of electronic voting, from 200 to 250 million euro, are unrealistic: “That will be a multiple, I’m afraid”, says Gonggrijp. According to the activist, the government has a good reputation for itself in ict projects ‘self against the wall to drive’ and is a new debacle such as the ‘North/South-line” on the prowl.

Gonggrijp, who had successfully helped the old voting computers of the stage to make them disappear, the question is why electronic voting at all is required in the Netherlands: “vote counting is not rocket science,” he says. According to him, there is in the electronic counting of the votes is only a small time to achieve and ‘want officials just a few hours earlier to bed’.

In the eyes of Gonggrijp the Netherlands could once well have to look to Germany, where more complex elections with the old-fashioned red pencil quickly the results can be made known. Also the Netherlands would henceforth be on a Sunday, the elections have to unsubscribe, so that citizens in a free day can vote.

Gonggrijp commends the passages in the report where the dangers of electronic voting be called. Also he acknowledges that voting with the red pencil not one hundred percent foolproof, but the activist continues to maintain that the secret ballot in the ‘old-fashioned’ tuning in the best hands. He does not exclude that his foundation again in the future asset will be, but for now it would not be necessary.