Government: companies and lawyers have, in 2015, digital litigation


Companies and lawyers who act on behalf of individuals must, in 2015, required going digital litigate in civil affairs, so the minister of Security and Justice Opstelten. Citizens who, without a lawyer want to sue get a privileged position.

According to the minister, can the case Law in the Netherlands, cheaper and faster civil proceedings now digital expired. Also, accessibility would be increased. For the digitisation, as far as possible in the case-Law, it will Cost companies and lawyers who act on behalf of individuals, starting in 2015, to subscribe to a digital litigation. Also bailiffs and other professionals should be under the obligation to fall. An exception is made for citizens who, without a lawyer want to sue: they can still, through all the necessary paperwork for a case to start.

In the proposal to get details of a private electronic file under the name of ‘My case’. This file must be part of and protected with DigiD. In My Case will statements be recorded.

According to the bill also have civil processes to be simplified: a basic procedure consists of a written round, an oral treatment in court and then a ruling. A procedure begins with a digital petition, which claims and requests can be submitted. Should the court deem it necessary, may have an additional written or oral round will be set.

Opstelten will send the bill for advice to, among others, the Council of State and the Council for the Judiciary before it goes to the Second Room. If the law is passed then the further digitisation of the Dutch case Law in the 2015 step-by-step to be implemented.