‘Developers can customize games to failed tilt sensor iPhone 5s’


Developers can customize games to the failed tilt sensor in the iPhone 5s. Then they have a calibration for the sensor is build-in in their code, then the sensor is functioning properly. Apple is in the factory forgot to do.

The standard not properly functioning sensor can cause problems in games. Especially in racing games which is sent by the iPhone to run is the deviation noticeable. That the tilt sensor of the iPhone 5s by default is not working correctly, it is a hardware problem. Apple has opted for a sensorleverancier than with previous devices. The iPhone 5-tilt sensor is made by ST Microelectronics and the same sensor of the iPhone 5s is made by Bosch. That Bosch consumes slightly less energy, so Apple will probably chosen. The disadvantage however is that the standard margin of error in a calculation is added to the iPhone 5s five times as high as in the iPhone 5.

Apple had to repair by the tilt sensor of the iPhone 5s in the factory to calibrate, so the measurements are correct. Because that did not happen, would developers themselves a calibration tool in their game can build. That would be for each app separately to be done, says iOS-development company RealityCap.

It is not inconceivable that Apple will have a calibration in the factory is going to apply to the problem. The manufacturer has still not responded on the issue, although it was already weeks ago surfaced. The iPhone 5s comes along with the 5c next week Friday in the Netherlands.

Animation of Gizmodo that the offset of the gyroscope illustrates in a racing game