Cryptografen get money for audit of Truecrypt code


A number of cryptografen has in a short time more than $ 28,000 picked up for a full securityaudit of the open-source encryption software TrueCrypt. This would be in the eyes of the organizers are required after the various NSA revelations.

TrueCrypt is a popular software package for encrypting files and partitions. The code is indeed open source, but never to a professional and comprehensive securityaudit subject. So would the code checked to see if there are possible bugs or backdoors are present. Also the used encryption methods can be examined.

According to a number of cryptografen is TrueCrypt until now a very valuable and easy-to-use tool proved to be, but after the recent Snowden disclosure that the NSA deliberately certain encryptiealgoritmen has weakened or cracked and also backdoors in software left to install is a securityaudit in their eyes, has become essential. The cryptografen are, therefore, a fundraising campaign was launched to audit, including a so-called ‘cryptanalysis’, TrueCrypt 7.1 a to be able to afford. This would be on multiple OS’and have to take place, including Windows, OS X and some Linux distributions.

Meanwhile, report the organizers of the audit that there are already more than 28.000 dolar is retrieved from collections on Indiegogo, and Fundfill, including $ 10,000 of a security company, an amount that would be sufficient for a professional audit of the TrueCrypt code. The amount needed for the audit is also dependent on the number of tests and investigations that will be carried out.