Nvidia is documentation about gpu architecture public sharing


Nvidia has on the XDC 2013 meeting indicated that the documentation to deliver on its gpu’s that can be used for the open source Nouveau drivers. The first has Nvidia information about the so-called device control block released.

The device control block is in the vbios of a Nvidia video card installed. The dcb describes the layout of a video card and the available displayaansluitingen. The 4.0 specification of Nvidia’s dcb is now on the site of the videokaartenfabrikant without further restrictions on the information.

With more openness about the architecture of gpus enables the developers of the open source Nouveau drivers better write the code for Linux operating systems. In addition, breaks Nvidia the secrecy that normally asked to external developers that insight in certain parts of the gpu architecture of the GeForce chips. Further, promises the company the Nouveau mailing list as well to keep an eye on and there is an e-mail address to open which open-source developers to ask questions.