Google integrates Chrome OS as a metro app in Windows 8


Google has made the first steps towards the integration of Chrome OS in Windows 8. This makes the use of the option to the Chrome browser in the Metro environment of Windows 8 launch. Currently, the software is still in b lwa ta.

The metro version of the Chrome browser, which a Chrome OS-like environment is to start, among other things, by The Verge discovered in the Chrome Dev Channel. In the ontwikkelaarskanaal is a beta version of the Chrome browser published by Microsoft’s “Metro” interface could work. That means more or less that the browser itself as a sort of Google hub may present, with an interface that is similar to Chrome OS. So, there is at the bottom of a applicatielauncher to various Google services could be started.

The ability to start the Metro version of Chrome is possible because Microsoft has this functionality for browsers has built-in. Requires Chrome as default browser set. According to The Verge working, the current beta version already, but there are bugs still to be the necessary crashes to notice.

Google seems to be the new Metro version of the Chrome browser separately from the current, stable version to have been developed. However, came to Google recently with extensive support for web applications in the current version of the Chrome browser. As a result, the apps in the browser feel like real, native applications. The developments indicate that Google Chrome OS more as an add-on on top of other operating systems want to install.