European launch of Google Glass is still far away due to privacy and voice recognition


It will, in all likelihood, take many years voordag Google Glass eyewear in Europe is going to introduce. Not only hinder stricter and more complex privacy-an introduction in Europe, but also the dependence on voice for delay.

Google begins in 2014 with the commercial roll-out of Glass in the United States, but it will still take years for Europe to follow, messages to both The Wall Street Journal EurActiv independent of each other. The WSJ calls after attending a demonstration in Brussels, technical obstacles as the main reason.

The stemherkenningssoftware would have difficulty with the support of different languages and only American English but well able to interpret. Therefore, it would be in Europe, not even a test program initiated, where in the USA all months of 12,000 so-called Glass Explorers around. “We are focusing on the expansion of the Explorer test program in the U.S., in prelude to a consumentenintroductie in the USA next year”, is all that a Google employee about it wanted. Apple and Microsoft are experiencing the same problems with European support for Siri and Kinect for the Xbox One.

In addition, could privacy play a key role in a late European launch, claims to EurActiv. Google has in the EU with various privacywaakhonden and with the European Commission in the clinch, situated about a host of privacy issues. To this point, that is already sensitive, with Glass well cover, would a lot of time-consuming negotiations should be conducted with a range of organisations in the member states.