Dutch start-up Silk reveals Google Docs competitor


The Amsterdam start-up Silk open Monday the doors of Silk for Teams, in which both texts and structured data can be stored. To three users the service is free; above it should be 10 dollars per user per month to be paid.

Companies can, of course, Silk for Teams both texts and structured data, which the tool acts as a sort of Google Docs competitor. “But some people understand Silk better if you explained it as a structured, visual wiki,” said Salar al Khafaji, founder of the Silk. With the tool data easier searchable and data can be easily visualized, promises the start-up.

The tool was already as a beta is available, but companies and organizations can now for the first time, a ‘Silk-site,” managing in a closed environment. Up to three users can Silk for Teams be used free of charge; above that need to ten dollars per user per month to be paid. Public sites for everyone to see, will remain free of charge. According to the company, is Silk for Teams especially interesting for the management of customer information, data analysis and project management.

The Dutch start-up Monday, also known a new investment of 1.6 million dollars. This has Silk in total, there are now 3.7 million dollar investment picked up, including Skype founder Niklas Zennstrom. With that money wants Silk are Amsterdam development department to expand and a commercial office in San Francisco to set up.

In 2011, Led a video reports about Silk, as part of the series of videos From the Attic to the Valley.