Dutch company comes with digital flat fee service for magazines


A company from Delft has a service launched that allows for ten euros per month, most of the longer articles from certain magazines to read. Follow Later also newspapers, promises eLinea. Under other HP/De tijd and EAR do.

For the amount of ten euros per month, via PayPal must be paid, eLinea-subscribers currently have access to 26 journals. Among them are the well-known magazines HP/De tijd and EAR, but especially smaller journals such as Psyche & Brain, Digital Movie and a Heart for Animals. In addition, photo agency Hollandse Hoogte and a number of cartoonists and poets, as well as the paid section of the website The Post Online.

ELinea promises that ‘soon’ more magazines will be added, including Vrij Nederland, Opzij, its and the Season. In addition, the company is in talks with the Nederlands Dagblad, FD and Wegener, that many regional newspapers spend. Rural, large newspapers like the Volkskrant, Telegraaf, NRC, and the AD do not yet. According to co-director Michel Suijkerbuijk of eLinea are that newspapers are afraid that participation would be at the expense of their own subscriptions. “And they like to have a relationship with their subscribers”, says Suijkerbuijk.

Of the magazines which do participate, the majority of long articles on eLinea, says Suijerbuijk. “Not all the articles are posted, because magazines have, for example, also a lot of short pieces and letters to the editor,” he says. “Most of the long articles are present, but some will be missing.” Apps for tablets and smartphones are not yet, but according to Suijkerbuijk works in the web version of eLinea well on tablets; smartphones, however, have still no access to the service. According to Suijkerbuijk is a smartphone app soon; is there enough demand for a tablet app, which also, he promises.