Developer to turn former camera app to CyanogenMod in the Play Store


The former camera app from CyanogenMod, Focal, is now los to download in the Play Store. The developer had a conflict with the founders of CyanogenMod, after which the app is deleted from the popular custom rom for Android.

It goes to a trial version of Focal and thus may be bugs, especially on older models, warns the developer in the description in the Play Store. The camera app can be on any device and any rom be used, not just CyanogenMod. It offers, according to the developer, often more features than the standard apps: there are a lot of features and you can, for example, on recent Sony phones, the shutter speed setting.

Developer Guillaume Lesniak, also known as XplodWild, made Focal for CyanogenMod, but got a conflict with the leaders. CyanogenMod is to be found in a company, Cyanogen Inc. The software, which in recent years hundreds of volunteers have contributed, will be used for its own aircraft, believed to be the Oppo N1, and, moreover, wants Cyanogen Inc providers adjustments do not be put online. This is Cyanogen are making money. Yes, Monday will be N1 officially present.