Chinese government creates arrows on mobile nieuwsapps


The Chinese government acts violently against some providers of mobile nieuwsapplicaties. They would, without permission of the higher authority uncensored news information to the Chinese population.

According to the powers that be would some nieuwsapps provide access to pornography and ‘obscene information’, which the youth would be endangered. Also thinks the Chinese government that there is incorrect information being provided through the apps. There is also the uncensored access be given to messages from foreign news media.

It would go to the apps Zaker, with more than 17.5 million users, and Chousti, an app that claims to be ‘everything to publish what is not published should be’. The companies behind the apps is urgently called to fast, to meet the overheidscensuur, writes Reuters. The developers will risk closure if they do not do it quickly.

The Chinese government has started a campaign to stop the spread of ‘online rumors’ through social media the head to press. So is there earlier this month, a law was proclaimed which persons that such rumors are spreading three years in prison to risk it. This applies to messages that at least five thousand times have been read or five hundred times again online are placed. Many human rights activists and many organizations are afraid that the censorship on the Chinese internet will continue to increase, because now also users of social networking sites harder to be tackled.