British army gets division for digital warfare


The British government wants a new unit of the army set-up that focuses on digital attacks. That unit may be in conflict themselves hackaanvallen set up. For the unit looking for the army hundreds of people, including security experts.

The new unit of the British army, by the British minister of defence announced at a conference, should among others focus on protecting computer networks and sensitive data. The unit will, however, own attacks up, as the minister said, according to the BBC. “You scared people off by offensive capabilities”, said the minister against the Daily Mail. Having defensive capabilities is not enough.

The unit cost according to the Daily Mail, in the coming years, about 500 million British pounds, or almost 600 million euros, though it is not clear whether the cost per year the cost for the setting up of the division. The British army searches for the crew of the division under more reservists, but also security experts.

The high cost for the setting up of the unit may have consequences for the other divisions for the army, which cuts will have to be. Some other countries have been ‘cyber-divisions of the army engaged in digital warfare. Or the Netherlands, such a division is not known, but rather concluded the previous government that a digital attack is not fundamentally different than a physical attack.